Vehicle Pursuit Ends In Shootout
Vehicle Pursuit Ends In Shootout
Vehicle Pursuit Ends In Shootout - Shaw News
On the evening of December 1st, the Los Santos Police Department received a 911 call regarding a driver being held at gunpoint outside the Idlewood Gas Station. Upon arrival at the scene, the gunman took off in a grey ford mustang, leading officers on a pursuit through the city of Los Santos and into Red County. During the pursuit, the driver was firing shots out of his vehicle towards officers. The pursuit continued to the bridge between Red County and Las Venturas, when the driver came to a stop following a collision. Shootout Between Driver & Officers Once the vehicle had stopped on the bridge, the driver began shooting towards the officers on the bridge. The officers returned fire towards the driver, resulting in a shootout on the bridge, with shots passing left and right. After a few minutes, the bridge fell silent. The driver was shot down by the officers. Shortly after, officers let more shots off towards the male as he attempted to move, shooting and killing the male completely. Detective Marzella Shot During Shootout During the shootout, Detective Marzella caught a shot from the shootout. The shot had hit him in the shoulder, however it appeared to be a graze wound from a passing bullet. Each time an officer accepts a call, they take their life into their own hands. This was another occasion, however the detective was lucky. We hope Detective Marzella makes a full recovery. Driver Was Shot And Killed At The Scene Following the pursuit, the driver was shot and killed at the scene. Officers proceeded slowly, in a stacked formation to check over the male. However, he was pronounced dead at the scene by officers. Remarkable Work From The LSPD Overall, the Los Santos Police Department along with Detective Marzella were remarkable. They handled the scene with full professionalism, and had to make a vital decision on the driver. The driver had full intention of killing the officers and was attempting to do so.