Finder Rules

Below, you can find the rules relating to Finder specifically. You can also find additional rules at

6.0 General Usage

Finder must be utilized by the means of in character at all times. There are no OOC sections on the website, anything that is posted on there is to be taken ICly. If you are caught breaking the General Usage rule you could have your account suspended; if you are a repeat offender the account may be deleted and blacklisted from using the community site.

Any form of Metagaming will not be tolerated and will result in severe consequences. It ruins the fun for everybody. This means that you cannot interact with another character of yours on Finder: adding as friend, liking posts, pages, etc.

6.1 Real Life Content

Real life content is now not allowed in Finder. This is due to our unique systems allowing for more defined characteristics. Our mods such as our new artefacts mod along with our custom skin mods is more than enough to define a character's attributes. With the combination of those two along with our retexturing system now supporting custom mods on specific texture parts this is more than enough variety to distinguish characters.

On the contrary real life content such as news articles or videos that dictate circumstances which can't be portrayed using in game media is allowed. See Ref 6.2 for more details. A combination of all three systems that we offer along with photoshopping there is no need to continue the use of real life images in the mannerism of Faceclaiming. Faceclaims will be removed from each account that exists on Finder and any future use of faceclaims will also be removed. Continue use of faceclaims after being warned to stop using them could result in being blacklisted from the Finder website.

6.2 Professional Content

Professional mannerisms are allowed on the website this includes, but not limited to the following;

  • YouTube Videos
  • TikTok Videos
  • Twitter Posts
  • News & Politics surrounding an ongoing event that does not upset other viewers. (The mentioning of COVID-19 is strictly prohibited. Please see  Ref1.9for more information.)
  • Instagram Posts

This is basically to give the world we live in a more immersive feel, allowing us to connect with real life mannerisms. If you are unsure if your potential post fits the criteria please see a Finder Moderator or GAT for a clearer understanding so you know you're not in breach of guidelines.

6.3 Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying in an IC manner is allowed only if both parties agree to it, this falls under the server rule of extreme/disgusting roleplay indirectly. The affected party needs to consent to the  attack.

6.4 Trolling

Trolls/Trollish accounts are strictly forbidden from the usage of Finder; anyone in breach of this rule will be blacklisted from the use of the website.

6.5 Minor/Teenage Account

If your character is a minor or a teenager you must follow direct protocol as real life would; for example, posting explicit, pornographic images is strictly forbidden as it falls under paedophilia and this is no exception. Likewise, characters who are relatively older than the person they are contacting could be frowned upon if their intentions were to perform acts of paedophilia.
E.G. A character aged 35 contacts a character aged 16 on the website sending seductive, explicit or disturbing messages/media/documents and so on would be considered performing acts.

6.6 Marketplace

There's a marketplace on the Finder website. This marketplace is to be used like it would be in real life; items that are illegal may not be sold or distributed on the marketplace. This should be common sense but the list includes, however not limited to;

Weapon parts
Load-bearing parts (ammo parts)
Drug paraphernalia
Fake IDs
Illegal technologies

6.7 Verified Users

You may find people with a blue tick next to their name, this means that they are of a verified or proven identity. Users such as public officials (government leads, commissioner, police chiefs, fire chiefs, celebrities and so on.) Officials like politicians are entitled to this status and anyone of a recognizable status. Normal users are not entitled to the verified status. The status symbolizes importance, not a way of your account being “real”.